
The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

極具人氣重新改版再上市的Brand new Thurs Mid cut german trainers中統德訓現正接受預訂中

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan


The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 超臨界高工藝—鱷魚壓紋One piece !

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 義大利植鞣牛 x 鱷魚壓紋德訓!!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 巔峰之作!夜空中最亮的星 全3M德訓!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 前所未見的德訓之王,蜥蜴Box Leather使用的最強技術之作!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer Calf與Box leather拼3M反光布料!創新上市~

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 最經典的配色,黑紅對比!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 紅白德訓,經典重現

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 咖啡色高筒德訓

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 皮質絕美的咖啡色牛皮~

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trianer 經典全黑全皮革低筒

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trainer High-top 明天起正式預購!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

Lewis Leathers x Playboy,英國製作的聯名Brogue shoe!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trainer,全皮革德軍訓練鞋的特殊皮革訂製!

Lewis Leathers/ England

Lewis Leathers x Playboy,英國製的聯名basket weave shoe!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

最強German Trainer,全白德訓,再次到貨!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trainer #Vege cow拿鐵植鞣牛德訓

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trainer 收藏等級的德訓!黑色馬毛閃電上市!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

殿堂級的單品! Thurs German Trainer 義大利植鞣咖啡茶芯牛皮革上市 !

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trainer 經典OG配色!

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

OFP Deck Shoes甲板鞋最後一色NAVY發售

The Thurs Co.,/ Taiwan

The Thurs / German Trainer 紅白藍!三色德訓首次發售!